


Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy


Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy is a body oriented psychotherapy, based on the holistic view of body, mind and spirit. The attitude of the therapist is one of cooperation with the client. Together they set out on the journey to explore and understand where the symptoms or issues that the client brings to the sessions originate and what the person needs to regain his or her balance.




The therapist takes sides with the healthy core and supports the client in his or her ability to connect with that core and listen to its messages. Non-verbal language is used as a means of communicating between the conscious and subconscious, for example: in exploring a spontaneous gesture or movement, expression of the eyes or the sound of the voice. Non-verbal therapeutic interventions are for example: specially devised massages, breath work, body awareness, regression therapy, vegetotherapy and emotional expression.

Touch is part of biodynamic psychotherapy, but will only be used with the understanding and agreement of the client. Verbal psychotherapy is to a certain extent always part of the setting. At the beginning and the end of a session, the verbal part functions like a bridge between the day to day life and the therapy session and often it is important for the client to verbalise her/his experiences from the session in order to integrate it fully in his/her life.

Please read more in the therapy factsheet. If you have any problems downloading the pdf factsheet please contact Ellena by email


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